Asphalt Sealings

STRABAG has more than 70 years of experience in the field of using asphalt concrete for hydraulic structures. Initially focused on sealing dams with an exterior bituminous sealant ( ACFD ), we soon moved on to reservoirs, canals and other hydraulic structures like Asphalt Cores ( ACCD )
Continuous intensive material research at our inhouse laboratory TPA GmbH has lead to optimal asphalt mixtures for the demands of this special field of hydraulic engineering
A perfectly trained and highly motivated team, together with a careful work preparation are a guarantee for top quality and professionalism in all of our projects.
The use of asphalt concrete is a special field in the construction of dams, reservoirs and canals. Asphalt concrete can be used as in watertight liner ( ACFD ) or core ( ACCD )

Our offer includes the following services: