Sustainability – Tackling the Climate Crisis

The climate crisis is one of today’s paramount challenges, demanding international cooperation. We’re all in this together, and at STRABAG we take our role as a leading construction technology conglomerate seriously.

It’s no secret that the construction industry contributes significantly to global greenhouse gas emissions. For this reason, we strive to actively contribute to climate neutrality and the reduction of greenhouse gases. That’s why sustainability is not just a buzzword but the heartbeat of our corporate strategy. We’ve crafted a dedicated sustainability strategy, custom-tailored to STRABAG’s mission.

What does this mean in practical terms?

The principle of sustainability is based on the three pillars of economy, ecology and social responsibility, with their processes interconnected. Consequently, the resulting interdependencies must also be considered. The impact of our actions today must not be disregarded. A robust data foundation has been established across the Group to measure CO2 emissions, including Initial Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions. This data is essential for developing reduction strategies and shaping our own processes in such a way that, as a whole, they have no negative impact on the climate.
Sustainability isn’t just a goal; it’s our driving force. Explore how we’re reshaping the industry with our dedicated sustainability strategy.

Our global commitment: climate neutral by 2040!

At STRABAG, we have set our sights on an audacious goal: to be carbon neutral across our entire value chain by 2040.
This isn’t just a commitment; it’s a promise to future generations. To reach this goal, we’re breaking down our journey into tangible steps.

  • Climate-neutral administration by 2025
  • Climate-neutral construction project by 2030
  • Climate-neutral building operations by 2035
  • Climate-neutral building materials and infrastructure by 2040

We’re well aware that this is an ambitious goal. Yet to combat climate change, bold action is imperative. It calls for a long-term and far-sighted shift in the thinking of each and every one of us – including STRABAG.
In doing so, we are guided by the following principles:

  • We reduce or avoid CO2 emissions wherever possible or compensate for them; prevention takes absolute precedence.
  • We promote resource-efficient circular economies for materials and waste.
  • We optimise supply chains and involve our suppliers and subcontractors.
  • We consider the entire lifecycle of a building: from planning and construction to use or repurposing all the way to demolition, recycling and disposal.