Civil Engineering

Structures that connect

Our expertise in civil engineering projects

We are known as a problem-solver for challenging civil engineering structures, and we strive to consolidate and anchor this reputation worldwide. Increasingly complex requirements, however, mean that the latest insights and innovative thoughts play just as important a role today as in the past decades.
Furthermore, due to the change in the global climate, we are seeing an increased occurrence of severe weather events such as heavy rainfall and long periods of drought. This increasingly requires the construction of dams to prevent flooding and to improve irrigation capacities to ensure sufficient food supplies through multiple harvests per year. STRABAG International has been your reliable partner to face such challenges for decades.
Make use of our worldwide competence, strength and experience in all fields of civil engineering, including hydroelectric power plants, water technologies, tunnels, bridges and engineering structures.

Our services

With our team’s expertise and advanced methods, we excel in handling complex civil engineering challenges – safely, economically and flexibly.