Ashghal Infrastructure Affairs

Construction period:
2019 - 2021

Doha, Qatar

Contract value:
€ 106 million 

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Design & Build of Doha South Terminal Pumping Station and Odour Control System


The contract for the design and construction of a wastewater pumping station in Doha, Qatar, included the construction of a wastewater pumping shaft with a depth of 50 m, a diameter of 36 m and a planned pumping capacity of 6,000 l/s. Also built were an upstream screen shaft with a similar depth and a diameter of 24 m, including a state-of-the-art odour control system, as well as ancillary buildings and facilities.
In detail, the works included the design, procurement, construction, testing, commissioning, completion and defect correction of:

  • Screen shaft to a depth of 50 m below the existing ground level and with an outer diameter of the shaft of approx. 26 m
  • Terminal pump station shaft to a depth of 50 m below existing ground level and a diameter of approx. 37 m with a future peak pumping capacity of approx. 5,903 l/s
  • Regional odour control facility
  • Connections to IDRIS main trunk sewer line shaft
  • Two 1,600-mm-ID shaft connections between screen shaft and terminal pumping shaft
  • Two 1,400-mm-ID rising mains between terminal pumping station to the nearby and existing Doha South Sewerage Treatment Plant
  • Ancillary buildings and facilities
  • Power supply

Commencement date of the works was 3 February 2019, with completion in July 2021.