Mukran: Ed. Zublin AG announces the completion of the Shore Crossing Microtunnel for the OAL - Ostsee Anbindungsleitung, Project in Germany.
23 Nov 2023

The Shore Crossing is required to connect an approximately 50-kilometre-long pipeline that will run from the planned LNG terminal in the port of Mukran to the German gas pipeline network in Lubmin. This project in Lubmin has been successfully completed by our multi-national Team earlier this year.
The Microtunnel has a length of 352m and was driven through sandy / hard clay formation and an approximately 60 m long stretch of chalkstone, from the entry shaft within the Port of Mukran to the final position in the Baltic Sea.
Microtunnel key figures:
- TBM Drive speed: 60 – 70 mm/ min
- Daily performance: 24 m / day
- MT depth at End Point: 19 m below Sea Level
- Difference in height: Entry Pit to Exit Pit 13.40 m