Airport Pavements & Buildings

Skybound excellence

As a renowned industry leader, STRABAG is known for its consistent quality and reliability, providing turnkey construction for new airports and solutions for the extension or repair of existing airports, buildings and runways.

Our offer includes the following services:

STRABAG: paving the way for air travel excellence

In the realm of aviation, where every take-off and landing represents a nexus of precision and performance, the foundation matters. At STRABAG, we understand that airports are not just gateways to the world; they are catalysts for a nation’s economic growth. The tarmac beneath the aircraft’s wheels, the terminals bustling with travellers, and the infrastructure that supports it all must meet rigorous standards. We rise to this challenge, providing comprehensive solutions that go beyond mere construction. From the ground up, we craft airports that are resilient, efficient and aligned with international standards. Whether it’s building from scratch or enhancing existing facilities, STRABAG is your partner in building the future of air travel.