Nepal Electricity Authority, Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Nepal

Construction period:
2001 – 2008

Udipur, Lamjung District, Nepal

Contract value:
€ 195.5 million 

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Middle Marsyangdi Hydroelectric Power Plant


Construction of a hydroelectric power plant with an installed capacity of 72 MW, processed by two vertical Francis turbines at a gross head of approx. 108 m. The mean annual production is planned to be approx. 400 GWh.
The contract included open-cut excavation, construction of intake concrete structure, spillway concrete structure, upstream and downstream concrete wing walls, stilling basin, rockfill dam with clay core, control building, excavation and concrete / shotcrete lining of diversion tunnel, excavation and concrete lining for several tunnels and surge tank, valve chamber, powerhouse structure with tailrace outlet for Francis turbines.