Foto von Projekt The Marks in Wien
Foto von Projekt The Marks in Wien

Metrolinx, Infrastructure Ontario

Construction period:
2017 - 2021

Ontario, Canada

Contract value:
€ 73 million 

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Highway 401 Rail Tunnel Project


STRABAG, through its Canadian subsidiary, was award the tunneling contract for the Highway 401 underpass tunnels in Toronto. The approximately €73 million (CAN 116 million) project was tendered as a design-build-finance model. Work started in 2017 and reached substantial completion in 2021.  
The contract included the construction of 2 rail tunnels with a length of 180 m each under the widest highway in North America with 21 lanes and 1.5 - 2 meters overburden, directly next to an existing railway tunnel. Excavation was completed using the Sequential Excavation Method.    
The tunnel is part of a larger-scale infrastructure project in Canada, which aims to improve regional rail transportation around Toronto. The new tunnel will allow through-train speeds of 145 km/h for passenger traffic and up to 56 km/h for freight traffic.