Ministry of Regional Municipalities and Water Resources
Construction period:
2014 - 2017
Sour, Oman
Contract value:
€111 million
Flood Protection Scheme in Wilayat Sur - New Fulaji Dam
The Fulaij Protection dam is an embankment fill dam with an asphalt concrete core of length 1.1 km long dam Wilayat Sur. The project also included a saddle dam with a length of 550 m in a flood area, which was used to relocate the national road effected by the new dam structre. To empty the reservoir, four bottom outlets with 4 x 4 m sluice gates were built, which also improved flood control in the reservoir. In addition, 2370 m of slope protection was carried out, 9120 m of river development and 2978 m of earthfill levees were built.
Basic data :
- Rock Excavation: 600,000 m³
- Soil Excavated: 4,263,810m3
- Reinforced and Mass Concrete: 180,000 m³
- Granulate Fill: 1,800,000 m³
- Asphaltic Concrete Core: 60,000 ton