Mauritius Ports Authority MPA
Construction period:
2014 - 2017
Mer Rouge - Port Louis / Mauritius
Contract value:
€ 84 million
Extension and Strengthening of MCT Quay Port Louis - Marine and Civil Works
Port Louis / Mauritius
The project was staged in 4 different sections to enable the port authority MPA to keep the port operational. Stage 1 (extension part) with a total length of 244 meters contained the new berthing quay founded into the sea bed on tubular steel piles and sheet piles (combi-wall), the concrete capping beam, wharf furniture and relocation of 5 container cranes, extension of the container yard, construction of one substation and the high and medium voltage network.
The works in stage 2 to 4 (strengthening part) extending to 560 meters in front of the existing berthing structure comprised the removal of scour mattress, installation of tubular steel piles and sheet piles, demolition works to allow the installation of raker piles, earthworks, construction of a new concrete capping beam and installation of the wharf furniture.