Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano, Bolzano, Italy

Construction period:
2019 - 2021

St. Lorenzen, South-Tirol

Contract value:
€ 65 million  

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Bolzano – Val Badia Tunnel Floronzo

South Tyrol, Italy

Reconstruction of the entrance to the Gardertal valley (Val Badia) in the St. Lorenzen area (near Bruneck). The approximately 1-km long road tunnel and newly constructed steel composite bridge over the river Rienz relieve St. Lorenzen of all through traffic in the direction of Val Badia.
In addition to the road tunnel and the bridge, the work also included the construction of a safety and escape tunnel as well as the connections to the existing roads.
In addition to the structural work, the contract also comprised the entire interior work as well as the electromechanical equipment and traffic guidance system.

Project data:

  • Tunnel length: 1,050 m
  • Safety tunnel: 300 m
  • Excavated volume: 100,000 m3