Our TEAMCONCEPT® partnering model follows principles that have the profit of all project participants in mind. Because whether a project is built successfully is decided long before the ground is broken. Differing interests of the project participants often make successful realisation difficult. That’s why the project planning and design phase largely determines the cost of the project.

With our TEAMCONCEPT® partnering model, we ensure that all project participants sit around the table as early as possible and work together on the progress of your project. Central to this is the joint interpretation of the construction target.

The method determines the result

The TEAMCONCEPT® principle: interfaces without loss of know-how
STRABAG TEAMCONCEPT® connects the required expertise for the project from start to finish. This means that optimisation potential doesn’t go undetected and misunderstandings are minimised.


Building partnership in two phases

With TEAMCONCEPT® we offer the possibility to accompany a project from the first idea to the operation of the completed object. We provide our consulting services against the background of our many years of international experience and market knowledge. The basis of every TEAMCONCEPT® contract is the lived partnership attitude of the parties involved as well as a common understanding of rights and obligations. TEAMCONCEPT® projects are therefore divided into two phases, which can be treated as being contractually independent – the preconstruction and the construction phase.

Cost optimisation prior to groundbreaking

The decision as to whether a project can be successfully realised is made long before the groundbreaking ceremony in the project planning and design phase. It is in this phase that the costs of the project can be influenced the most. This is precisely why it is so important to handle this preconstruction phase in a process-optimised manner and with the involvement of all relevant competences. Only in this way can all optimisation potentials be exploited. This results in time, cost and quality advantages.

Contract models

The contract models, which are individually tailored to your project and your needs, govern the collaboration during the preconstruction phase. Essential here are transparent and binding costing, scheduling, construction site set-up and logistics planning, as well as optimisation of the project and its planning. At the end of the preconstruction phase, there is also a contractually regulated exit option for both parties.
In order to realise your project under TEAMCONCEPT® in the construction phase as well, our flexible contract models offer the possibility of combining different types of contracts and adapting them variably to your project.

Open book
The STRABAG TEAMCONCEPT® is based on the principle of mutual trust. The open book procedure is a contractual agreement to open the books during all or part of the construction process. In addition to a high level of transparency and traceability of the entire construction process, costs can be better estimated over the entire lifecycle of a project. This allows potential risk factors to be identified and mitigated at an early stage – an advantage for all parties involved.

  • TEAMCONCEPT® agreement

    TEAMCONCEPT® agreement

    The TEAMCONCEPT® agreement regulates the collaboration of the parties involved during the preconstruction phase. Transparent and binding cost determination, scheduling, construction site set-up and logistics planning as well as the optimisation of the project and its planning are essential services of this phase. The TEAMCONCEPT® agreement forms the basis for the subsequent commissioning of the project realisation. The preconstruction phase is usually paid for as a lump sum.
  • Lump-sum contract

    Lump-sum contract

    The strength of this contractual model is its simplicity: The payment is a lump sum and therefore not dependent on volume. The basis for this is the bill of quantities or a functional work specification with planning documents. Depending on the requirements of the project, a distinction is drawn between a detailed and a global lump sum contract.
  • GMP contract

    GMP contract

    The GMP contract guarantees a high level of transparency and variability. This is calculated using proof of the applied, capped manufacturer costs. Coming in below the guaranteed maximum price benefits both partners. This creates an incentive to optimise costs through joint appointment of subcontractors in an open-book process. In the GMP contract, the bill of quantities or a functional work specification acts as the basis for the contract.
  • Joint venture contract

    Joint venture contract

    In a joint venture, the client forms a company with STRABAG. This avoids duplication of roles (e.g. in controlling) and creates an equal level of associated interests. Similar to the GMP contract, subcontractor services are described, commissioned and accounted for in an open-book process.
  • Cost-plus-fee contract

    Cost-plus-fee contract

    Building with all the cards on the table: In this contractual model, an openly calculated bill of quantities forms the basis for the provision of services. Its scope can be adapted flexibly during the execution phase. Appointing subcontractors is also done using an open-book process. The high degree of transparency of costs makes it possible to start the project quickly with a short lead time. Payment is made on the basis of proven manufacturer costs plus a general company fee.
  • Unit price contract

    Unit price contract

    Guaranteeing a high degree of flexibility, even when the scope of the service, or quantities, changes: The detailed description of services is defined by type and quantity in the sections of the bill of quantities. Payment is made based on agreed unit prices and quantity-related measurements.